Read the June 2024 Centretown BUZZ

The front page of the June 2024 Centretown BUZZ.
Click on this image to read the paper in PDF form.

The June 2024 issue of The Centretown BUZZ is out! We hope you’ll enjoy reading it.

Our volunteer team will be distributing the paper around Centretown in the next few days. If you’re in Centretown, you should have the choice of reading the 16 pages on newsprint or here as a PDF.

How to read this paper online

Read this month’s newspaper online here, or as a flipbook. We also have a high-res version for printing your own copy.

Important update

The day after The BUZZ went to the printers, the city announced the date for the virtual consultation meeting for the 1010 Somerset project. It will be held on Wednesday, June 26, from 6:30 to 8 p.m., over Zoom. You can register for the meeting at

It appears that there will be English and French sessions, but each session is limited to 100 participants. If you’re interested in attending, you might want to register soon.

In this issue

The BUZZ is again packed full with news this month. We have 16 stuffed pages!

Ever notice how city (and other) politics seem to ramp up in June just as you’d like to put your feet up, enjoy the warm weather, and listen some music at a festival? 2024 is no exception. There’s meetings, there’s comment deadlines, there’s decisions happening that will affect you. We hope this issue will help inform you about them.

On the other hand, there’s also two anniversary parties, open to all!

The revised concept plan for the 1010 Somerset project has been released – and it doesn’t take away Plouffe Park. The plan will provide more greenspace, indoor recreation, housing, and a new French public school to the area south of Somerset Street West between Preston and LRT Line 2. We give you the details and reactions from Councillor Troster, community groups, and the school council executive.

How can we save Ottawa’s downtown? The Ottawa Board of Trade has developed a plan together with the Canadian Urban Institute including a business incubator district and an arts corridor. It also calls for increasing the number of residents in downtown by 54 percent! We did a deep dive into the document and tell you all about it.

Have ideas on how to animate the Queen Elizabeth Driveway when it’s closed to traffic this summer? Parkways for People and the Centretown Community Association would like to hear them on June 17.

Ever wondered what those huge girder-surrounded structures were on Preston Street beside the Adult High School? Find out from our story – and what’s happening to them this summer.

The World Exchange Plaza downtown is finally starting to reopen after several years of construction. Reporter John Shand tells you what to expect.

Cyclists and pedestrians rejoice! We have news on the Rideau River bridge and the Trillium Pathway crossing at Gladstone.

The Centretown Community Health Centre turns 55 this month, and is throwing a party to celebrate. Read about the centre’s history.

The first draft of the city’s new zoning bylaw is out, and your first chance to comment is June 20. We have initial comments from CCA President Mary Huang.

Want to support affordable housing? Have money to invest? The Ottawa Community Land Trust wants to talk. We have the details.

Does the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board need to reduce the variety of its elementary school offerings so that fewer children have to be bused to school? We tell you about the first public meeting in Centretown on this issue. Comments due by June 28.

Bank Street buses (route 7 and 11 this time) are again in OC Transpo’s top three routes for cancellations. And guess what Transpo’s surveys say about satisfaction with its service…

Downtown will soon have one less parking garage. Robert Smythe explains the long history of the mid-block site just east of Bank between Slater and Laurier, and the two apartment towers now proposed for that site.

Erwin Dreessen explains the latest plans for 267 O’Connor (The Doctors’ Building).

Our News shorts also have important news!

  • A 50th birthday celebration for the Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation (CCOC), the non-profit which provides much of the rental housing in Centretown (and we’ll have more on the CCOC on this website);
  • The next Ottawa Urbanism book club meeting;
  • A new provincial law which changed the rules – again – on how the city can protect heritage properties;
  • Two open houses to express your concerns about the connection from the LRT to the new Civic campus of the Ottawa Hospital;
  • the Grand Finale weekend of the Ottawa Italian Festival

Dinah Robinson reviews Plastic People, the new documentary about plastic pollution and the danger of microplastics, and explains what’s happening locally to find alternatives to plastic.

Stephen Thirlwall shares his observations on how the Tulip Festival builds community and harmony.

Marit Quist-Corbett asks why society is so interested in the new at the expense of the old and well-made.

We have many suggestions in the What’s On column for films, museums, and music to enjoy, mostly in Centretown venues.

And we have news from Councillor Troster, your MP and MPP, and the Dalhousie and Centretown Community Associations.

We need your ideas, feedback, and ads

Please let us know what you think of this issue: which articles did you enjoy most? Is there anything we missed? Email us at

As always, this newspaper is a community effort. Thanks to everyone who contributed articles, photos, ideas, tech support, and proofreading to this issue.

We also appreciate the financial support of our advertisers who enable us to bring you this community newspaper.

Our next issue will be published August 23, 2024. Tell us your feedback, ideas, and news tips at or 613-565-6012 x2! Our deadline for letters, articles, and ideas is Monday, August 12, 2024.

And if your business would like a boost from advertising in The BUZZ, we’re happy to talk: or 613-565-6012 x 1. The deadline to confirm ads is Monday, August 12.

Sign up to get reminders of upcoming BUZZ issues

If you or your friends would like to receive an email reminder of future issues of The BUZZ, sign up by emailing

We’re taking a summer break

As usual, The BUZZ will not be published in July; we will be back on August 23. We hope you have a warm (but not too warm!) and relaxing summer.

We will be updating occasionally.

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