Centretown Community Association report

Jack Hanna

Curious about new MP Yasir Naqvi?

The CCA’s 2022 annual general meeting (AGM) will feature Ottawa Centre’s new MP, Yasir Naqvi, in conversation with Vice-president Jack Hanna.

Naqvi will be asked about his reasons for being in politics and what he hopes to accomplish for Centretown over the coming year. It’s an opportunity to learn more about Naqvi as a person choosing a life in politics and as the MP representing Centretown.

The CCA’s AGM will be held at 7 p.m., on Wednesday, January 26. The Zoom link is on the CCA’s website or can be obtained by emailing ccca@centretowncitizens.ca.

CCA’s big accomplishments with more to come

The AGM will also feature a brief description of the CCA’s many and diverse activities over the past year and preview the year ahead. This year we returned to live festivals in parks, stepped up efforts to protect Centretown’s urban tree canopy and launched the Elgin Street Market. We advocated for affordable housing, better skyscrapers, anti-racism measures, improved transit, bike lanes and more. In 2022, we will get serious about climate change.

The AGM will also elect a new president and board of directors.

Mary Huang runs for CCA President

Mary Huang, a consultant in planning and forecasting systems, is running for CCA president. She is an advocate for affordable and accessible housing, long-term care and other seniors’ issues. She is active in the Ottawa Community Benefits Network that explores innovative ways to ensure the community benefits from new developments.

The CCA thanks Mindy Sichel, outgoing president, for so energetically and capably leading us through a year of huge growth.

Combatting homelessness

The CCA is conducting a Zoom workshop on Monday, January 24, at 6:30 p.m., to discuss what’s needed to effectively tackle homelessness. Speaking at the workshop will be: Kaite Burkholder Harris, executive director at Alliance to End Homelessness Ottawa; Sarah Davis, executive director of Cornerstone Housing for Women; and Jayne Stoyles and Ishbel Solvason with the Social Housing Registry of Ottawa.

“It is about how to get people who are homeless off the streets into some type of shelter and eventually into stable housing,” says Mary Huang, coordinator of the CCA’s Affordable Housing Working Group.

An effective homelessness strategy requires a range of types of housing, Huang says. It begins with shelters, which provide beds and meals. Then there is supportive transitional housing‒buildings with residential units and support workers and programs.

Finally, there is “deeply subsidized” rental apartments offering permanent housing for those who cannot afford market rents. To learn more, email affordable-housing-champions@centretowncitizens.ca.

Act on climate change

The CCA is getting serious about climate change in Ottawa. The community association just launched a new working group to address issues affecting the liveability and resiliency of Centretown in the face of climate change.

Join us if you are interested in learning what we can do as a community to influence City Hall decisions on climate initiatives, or in finding out how, as individuals, we can protect our health and homes. We want your input, ideas and energy. Contact ClimateChange@centretowncitizens.ca.

Volunteers decked park’s trees for the holidays

It was a big party in the park in December when some 40 CCA volunteers, including a dozen kids, strung popcorn garlands, seed balls for birds and various colourful decorations on the trees in Dundonald Park at Lyon and Somerset.

The wintry day of activity was fueled by lots of homemade treats and hot drinks, including donations from Tim Horton’s.