MPP report: Protective hospital safety zones needed

Joel Harden

On September 13, I arrived at the Civic Hospital. Anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers were holding a protest there as part of a nation-wide day of action. I worried that protesters intended to block or disrupt the hospital as it has happened elsewhere in Canada.

One of the protestors‒a constituent that our MPP office has been helping‒came over to say hello. This person lives with pain daily and their life has fallen apart.

My heart sank. Standing next to me was someone our society has left behind. I was shown videos of their involvement in anti-mask, anti-vaccine protests. The constituent remarked on the speeches they had given to massive crowds and the support they had received.

As the constituent expounded on anti-vaccine and anti-mask arguments, I wasn’t filled with anger. I felt a deep sadness and awareness of the challenge before us under COVID-19. I told the constituent we were not aligned on these issues. I urged them to be safe and mindful of the safety of others. And I won’t stop fighting for justice on their disability claim.

But how do we talk to those who are persuaded by disinformation campaigns?

I support COVID-19 vaccine mandates and vaccine certificates. Ontario must introduce these measures which will mean consequences for those who refuse to get vaccinated. Protests are likely to continue so we must keep everyone safe.

This is why we’re calling for hospital safety zones to protect patients and staff. We have asked Premier Ford to help us pass a safety zones bill presented by Andrea Horwath, leader of the Official Opposition, right away to help make it happen.

But, as we do this, let’s address disinformation campaigns with persuasive arguments and resist the urge to belittle others. Let’s build that bridge so others may cross.