Read the November 2020 Centretown BUZZ

The November 2020 issue of the Centretown BUZZ, Centretown’s community newspaper, is out!

We are distributing printed copies of this issue to homes and businesses across Centretown. Look for a copy in your mailbox or at your favourite shop.

You can also read this month’s newspaper online here, or as a flipbook. We also have a high-res version for printing your own copy.

In this issue

The 2021 city budget will dominate discussions at City Hall in the next month, with affordable housing, transit fare increases, police funding, and the overstretched public health and social services budgets all hot-button issues. You can learn more about these in our stories:

  • 18 community groups worked since the summer to produce a costed-out alternate city budget, based on environmental and social justice principles. We tell you where they’d change the spending and where they’d get additional revenue.
  • Councillor McKenney gives their guide to this year’s budget issues and where they stand on them.
  • The Gotta Go! campaign calls for more support for accessible toilets in the budget.
  • We’ll also publish a web-only story about the budget process in the next few days.

As a monthly, it can be tough for The BUZZ to also be timely – but we seem to have got it right with our story about the Supporters of the Loop. This week, NCC CEO Tobi Nussbaum came out in support of the group’s proposal to run a tramway loop around Confederation Boulevard through Ottawa’s and Gatineau’s downtowns, and the whole issue of light rail links from Gatineau goes to the city Transportation Committee on November 16. We’ve got the full details of the Supporters of the Loop proposal in our interview with Bob Plamondon.

Five Queensway overpasses from Bronson to Preston will be replaced in the next five years – and that’s going to mean a lot of disruption for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists. Read our story to learn the details and how you still have a chance to influence the construction plans.

Robert Smythe’s Skyline column examines the new public art on Elgin Street, which was based on video interviews with denizens of the street. Do you recognize anyone in our photos of the sculptures?

After 12 years at Bronson and Gladstone, the re-Cycles Community Bicycle Shop needs a new home – and if you have any leads, do let them know! The BUZZ got a guided tour of the current shop, and tells you how it’s providing used bikes and parts to even more people this year despite the pandemic.

The BUZZ asked – and you responded! We got an earful about problems with e-scooters on sidewalks. That provided good input to our story about the results of the first-year pilot, which includes interviews with all three scooter providers.

The pandemic has been rough on anyone, but it’s been worst for those who can’t find affordable housing. Jack Hanna’s story tells you why it’s so tough, and where there’s a glimmer of hope.

Hydro Ottawa switched back to time-of-use rates this month, but left users the option to continue with the tiered rates we’d had since spring. If you’re a light to moderate electricity user, tiered may be cheaper. We tell you how to figure this out.

For almost a decade, the Pressed coffeehouse on Gladstone showcased local musicians, poets, comics, and visual artists. We interviewed owner Karie Ford about how she adapted to the pandemic, but finally couldn’t continue.

We tell you how a fundraising walk worked even better distanced.

You can finally walk to a COVID-19 test centre in Centretown! We tell you where.

We give you ideas for what to see, in person where possible and on-line, this month.

And columns, recipes, letters to the editor, and more…

We need your ideas, feedback, and ads

Please let us know what you think of this issue: which articles did you enjoy most? Is there anything we missed? Email us at

As always, this newspaper is a community effort. Thanks to everyone who contributed articles, photos, ideas, tech support, and proofreading to this issue.

We’re already starting planning for our Christmas issue, out on December 11: tell us your feedback, ideas, and news tips at or 613-565-6012!

And if your business would like a boost from advertising in the BUZZ, we’re happy to talk: