Category: December 2020

Read the December 2020 Centretown BUZZ

The December 2020 issue of the Centretown BUZZ, Centretown’s community newspaper, is out! We are distributing printed copies of this issue to homes and businesses across Centretown. Look for a copy in your mailbox or at your favourite shop. You…

Centretowners save orphaned pets

Alayne McGregor On December 1, Marna Nightingale was sitting in the chilly backyard of a rooming house on Eccles Street, trying to rescue the final cat orphaned by a tragic death. The cat was one of about 18 which were…

Look local for holiday gifts this year

Looking for books or records as holiday gifts? Don’t forget Ottawa-Gatineau authors and musicians. The BUZZ asked independent stores in and near Centretown for their recommendations for new local releases which they will be stocking for Christmas. Jim Sherman, Perfect…

Non-profit library needs new space for 2500 tools

Alayne McGregor With less than two weeks notice, the Ottawa Tool Library (OTL) has found itself homeless. It suddenly had to pack up more than 2500 tools – ranging in size from a huge stationary drill press to tiny jeweler’s…

Managing editor’s note

Alayne McGregor Truly, this month is the “winter of our discontent.” We’re seeing not only the effects but the side effects of COVID-19. We’ve lost dear friends to conditions undiagnosed because of hospital backlogs. The ByTowne Cinema, an Ottawa institution,…

Partnership produces zesty surprise

Mariam El-Behiry Beyond the Pale (BTP) Brewery and hot-sauce maker Meow That’s Hot (MTH) have collaborated with the Dalhousie Food Cupboard to create Fuzz on Fire!, a flavourful, one-of-a kind chili sauce. The proceeds from the sale of each bottle…

Comment: Glashan greening project needs to be completed

Nili Kaplan-Myrth In 2014, a competition was held across Canada to create green, outdoor-learning spaces for students. The parents of children at Glashan Public School received emails asking the community to participate in a Greening Project. “Bruce Cockburn to lend…

What’s on this month

Tony Wohlfarth At year’s end, documentary film buffs can watch an abundance of recent films about the experience of refugees fleeing persecution around the world. The ByTowne Cinema is screening a new film set in Vichy France. Museums are also…

City proclamation celebrates BUZZ’s 25th

It used to be that the presentation of a City of Ottawa proclamation meant handshakes all around. But when Mayor Jim Watson (centre) presented the city’s Centretown BUZZ Day plaque (for our 25th anniversary) to Archie Campbell (l) and Robert…

Comment: Bank Street LRT tunnel needed

Clinton P. Desveaux Perhaps now is the time to begin discussions for the Ottawa Bank Street O-Train Tunnel. Ottawa is nearing completion of the O-Train East/West Confederation Line and the Trillium Line running north/south. As the population is forecast to…

OCDSB trustee: How’s it going?

Justine Bell, OCDSB trustee You have likely heard by now that it “takes a community to keep our schools safe” and we must all do our part to stay healthy at school and beyond. Well, it looks like we are…

Letter: Make more room to walk

I was hoping that the City could plough the paths in Minto Park this winter. They already plough the north-west edge and a connecting path from the south-east corner. This is great. It would be nice if they could plough…

Centretown Community Association report

Centretown Community Association logo

Jack Hanna Big towers should be iconic The CCA has formed a group to oppose two proposed skyscrapers at Gilmour and O’Connor Streets. The 28- and 30-storey towers at 267 O’Connor would be a jarring intrusion in a neighbourhood of…