Category: August 2021

Farmers market offers fresh tastes

Jack Hanna At the newly launched Elgin Street Farmers Market, Namrata Tilokani decided to try a vegetable entirely new to her: callaloo. Callaloo, native to the Caribbean islands and with big kale-like leaves, is grown at Foster Family Farm in…

The wibbly-wobbly Bay Street cycle track

Alayne McGregor When cyclists advocated for raised cycle tracks on Bay Street downtown, they may not have realized the implications of the many driveways in that area. The just-installed cycle tracks run from Wellington Street to the segregated bike lanes…

Neighbourwoods is counting trees in Centretown

Neighbourwoods volunteers measuring trees. (Liz Ruddick/The BUZZ)

Darlene Pearson The Centretown tree canopy is at risk. Development has not planned for adequate root space for trees to thrive. Older trees are not being protected. Replacement trees are not given the care they need to survive. Increased summer…

Distraction works to stop street harassment

Jack Hanna Being a clumsy klutz can be something of a super power – in a certain situation. You see someone being harassed in a public place, perhaps a woman being followed and pestered on the street, and you don’t…

What’s on this month in Ottawa and beyond

Tony Wohlfarth This month, The Centretown BUZZ viewed the reopened Canadian Museum of Nature. I also viewed the Rembrandt in Amsterdam exhibit at the National Gallery and participated in the Calgary Folk Music Festival. And I review the premiere of…

Somerset Ward: new hospital has more parking, fewer trees

Catherine McKenney The Ottawa Hospital recently submitted the Master Plan for the new hospital campus adjacent to the Experimental Farm, the Dominion Arboretum, and Dow’s Lake and the Rideau Canal. The master plan includes a four-storey above-ground parkade and the…

Official Plan debate moved to October

Alayne McGregor The City of Ottawa has delayed debate on its new Official Plan until mid-October, giving citizens and community groups more time to go through the revised final draft. It will also give community coalitions like the People’s Official…

CCHC chalks up fun for kids

Alayne McGregor The Centretown Community Health Centre (CCHC) is encouraging outdoor games and fun for children of all ages this summer – using chalk! Each Tuesday morning (weather permitting), CCHC staff pick a location in Centretown and bring out their…