Walk to fight hunger in our community

Heather Duggan’s dog Skyli accompanied her on the 2021 walkathon for the Centretown Emergency Food Centre. (Heather Duggan/CCASC)
Heather Duggan’s dog Skyli accompanied her on the 2021 walkathon for the Centretown Emergency Food Centre. (Heather Duggan/CCASC)

Patricia Marsden-Dole

The changing colours of the early fall will beckon you to take a walk on October 2 in support of food security in central Ottawa.

The Centretown Churches Social Action Committee, and its 22 members, invites you to join your friends and neighbours for the Centretown Emergency Food Centre (CEFC) Walkathon to be held on Sunday, October 2. The proceeds will raise funds for the local food bank.

Registration will take place at Jean Pigott Place on the main floor of Ottawa City Hall. At 1:30 p.m., there will be live music from a barbershop quartet, followed by the official opening at 2. At 2:20 p.m., a piper will lead everyone into the walk with the skirl of the bagpipes.

Walkathon donations will go to the CEFC which is located at Bank Street and Argyle Avenue. It is open three days a week and serves up to 650 clients each month with a five-day supply of food. Diana Mahaffy, the centre’s manager, is looking ahead to customize orders using a shopping model for more personalized choice. Once a month clients may book an appointment or drop in.

This annual walk for the centre is a family friendly community event. Walkers are encouraged to take photos of their walk. Several Glebe and Centretown merchants are offering prizes for the best shots. Categories include celebrating the natural beauty of the Rideau Canal, pets looking their best, or images that catch the spirit of the walk.

This year’s walkathon will be the first in-person event since since many pandemic restrictions have been lifted. Given ongoing concerns about the pandemic, there will be masks and sanitizer available at the registration desk. You can also choose to walk by yourself.

Donations can be made either online at www.centretownchurches.org or in person with cheques at the time of registration. Cheques can also be mailed directly to the Centretown Churches Social Action Committee at 507 Bank Street, K2P 1Z5.

Donations for the virtual walkathons of the past two years have helped the centre to keep operating through that difficult time. We would like to express our gratitude for the generosity of our individual and business donors.