The Good, the Bad, and the Bumpy: Removing construction barriers

Ryan Lythall

Recently, I received my first letter in response to my column in The BUZZ. I would like to share some of it with you.

The letter writer provided examples of various barriers in Centretown and how they had moved several of these out of their way. The writer advised that some of them were due to various construction sites/projects from July to November 2020. They included:

  • construction signs in the middle of the sidewalk on Frank Street near O’Connor Street, as well as on the sidewalks on Lisgar, Metcalfe, and O’Connor Streets,
  • a directional sign on a path near the Hurdman Bridge, and
  • a mailbox located on a sidewalk near O’Connor and Somerset Streets.

Many times I have been unable to get around construction signs and most people with disabilities aren’t physically able to move these signs. We shouldn’t have to. Accessibility is a right and not a privilege.

My other issue with sidewalk construction is that there are no alternative ramps to get back onto the sidewalk if a curb is being repaired. Frequently, I’ve had to drive my chair onto the road just because there was no way for me to get back onto the sidewalk. Depending on where you are and the time of day, this can be very scary.

However, I do agree 100 percent with moving construction signs that prevent accessibility as long as they don’t put either you or others at risk in doing so. So, by all means, please keep on moving them and thanks to the letter writer for bringing up the issue. People with disabilities need all the help we can get when it comes to accessibility and, in general, getting around Ottawa’s streets.

The letter writer also had other suggestions about maintaining the sidewalks:

  • More salt boxes on city streets would be useful, as would more signage that the public can use.
  • Owners of parking lots and buildings should be required to have salt boxes.
  • There could be better snowplowing techniques.

I encourage readers to reach out to me and tell about your experiences getting around Ottawa. Let me know how you feel when you aren’t able to go to certain places, do certain things or shop at local businesses due to a lack of wheelchair accessibility. You can also bring other issues to my attention so that I can share your experiences with others as well.

I’m easy to find on Facebook or Twitter, or you can send me a letter care of The BUZZ. Just advise if you’re comfortable sharing your letter or message.

Follow Ryan on Twitter: @rolling_enigma