Centretown Community Association report

CCA logo

Jack Hanna

For the CCA, it is a busy and blooming summer.

Dundonald gardeners receive $1,000 grant

The Dundonald Park Gardening Group received a $1,000 grant from the city to buy compost and plants for the park’s huge beds.

CCA volunteer gardeners have been pulling weeds and putting in plants, with as many as 15 people showing up for a Sunday afternoon gardening session.

A second CCA gardening group is revitalizing the little park at the corner of Elgin and Gladstone, with fresh earth and plants donated by residents.

Want to get into the dirt? Contact Jack: jack.2014@icloud.com

CCA shrinks huge garage

CCA President Shawn Barber negotiated a big reduction in parking spaces in a proposed massive new underground parking garage.

Claridge Homes wanted to install a six-storey garage beneath three new apartment towers at Metcalfe and Nepean.

At City Council’s Planning Committee, Barber spoke against the garage, arguing it went against the city’s policies on climate change, getting cars out of the core, and safe streets.

The committee put the brakes on, telling the developer to speak to the community association.

Councillor Catherine McKenney organized a meeting between the developer and the CCA. After much negotiation, Claridge agreed to halve the garage’s size, from 250 to 125 spaces. The freed-up spaces will go for more bicycle and visitor parking, and other uses.

Protect heritage houses

The city is in the midst of a sweeping initiative to study and protect heritage buildings in Centretown, with the CCA playing a strong role.

Consultants hired by the city recently recommended a new Heritage Conservation District (HCD) covering 11 blocks around Dundonald Park.

That’s far too small, the CCA said in a letter to the city. The district should be much larger and encompass many additional beautiful old streets worthy of heritage protection.

The CCA also argued that much of the Golden Triangle, between Elgin and the Rideau Canal, chockablock with beautiful old houses, merits heritage protection and should become an HCD.

The CCA has formed a new Heritage Working Group to respond to this initiative. Subcommittees are developing specific proposals for new Centretown West and Golden Triangle HCDs, and a third will consider the city’s plan to update guidelines for Centretown’s existing HCDs. Interested in heritage? Contact Jack: jack.2014@icloud.com

Neighbours helping neighbours

The CCA’s Centretown Support Network (CSN) continues to match volunteers to people who need assistance during the COVID-19 crisis.

Volunteers deliver groceries for people who are self-isolating, and help get answers to all sorts of questions.

Recently, CSN volunteers sewed 50 cloth masks; they were donated to the Centretown Community Health Centre, to be distributed free to the centre’s clients.

Contact the CSN at 613-518-3908 or support@centretowncitizens.ca

Reusable bags are back

With stores once again allowing reusable bags, the CCA’s Single-use Plastics Group is busy advocating for their use.

The group is handing out a cheery poster proclaiming, “Reusable Bags are Welcome Here” to Centretown stores. So far they have approached about two dozen shops, receiving a warm welcome. Contact Stuart: stuartkinmond@gmail.com