CCA Report: “Game of Cones” on Elgin, built heritage

Photo by Gail McGuire.

by Jack Hanna

Right now, more than 30 shops, bars, restaurants and other businesses along Elgin Street are participating in “Game of Cones.” Shop on Elgin and you can enter your name in a draw for a $1,500 prize pack of coupons for Elgin businesses.

Shop Elgin Street – win $1,500
As well, you are supporting local businesses that are hurting because Elgin is closed to cars for a year of construction.
Ask for a “shopping passport” in a participating business or print it online at: Get a stamp each time you spend $10. Collect 10 stamps by May 12 and you can enter the draw.

And yes, the “Game of Cones” campaign is referencing the famous television series, right down to its slogan: “Spring is coming.”

Efforts to conserve Centretown’s heritage
The city plans to do a lot this year to protect heritage buildings – in Centretown specifically.

The City wants to update heritage plans, which guide development in Centretown’s two existing heritage districts, and possibly create new one.

Public consultations are Tuesday, April 23 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. and Saturday, April 27 from 10:00 a.m. to noon. Both will take place in Jean Pigott Place on the main floor of City Hall.

In the coming months, heritage plans will be updated for the Centretown Heritage District (which stretches from Elgin to Kent) and for the district comprising the buildings facing Minto Park.

At this point, the city is mulling over whether to create new heritage districts, possibly in the Golden Triangle (between Elgin and the canal) and in the neighbourhood surrounding Dundonald Park.

Residents can register for either session at .

Earth Day events in 2018 in Dundonald Park.

Celebrate Earth Day in Dundonald Park
The CCA’s Earth Day celebration is Saturday, April 27, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in Dundonald Park at Somerset and Lyon.

There will be activities for kids, live music, display booths (including one on the life story of bees), refreshments, and even the chance to get your hands in the dirt with a bit of gardening in the park’s flower beds.

If it rains Saturday, the celebration will be the following day, Sunday, April 28.

Very visible new tower
A new 18-storey tower is proposed for one of Ottawa’s most prominent and visible sites. It would be on the crest of the hill facing the Library and Archives Canada building and the Ottawa River, and between two of the city’s most beautiful stone churches.

The proposed tower at 412 Sparks Street, housing a 152-unit seniors residence, would be between Christ Church Cathedral to the west and St. Peter’s Lutheran Church to the east. The slightly curving front wall of the new building would be a prominent feature of the Ottawa skyline when viewed from Wellington Street or from across the river in Gatineau.

A public open house is scheduled for Wednesday, April 17 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the Great Hall of Christ Church Cathedral, 414 Sparks Street.

Jane’s Walks – May 4 & 5
The list of walks was not firmed up at press time but the CCA’s Tom Whillans is planning to lead one in Centretown on urban pollution and plastics in the city. For more info:

Gardeners: bring us your seedlings
Gardeners, do you have a few seedlings in your window box to donate to the annual CCA plant sale? Hosted by CCA’s Trees and Greenspace Committee, the sale is planned for June 8 (in conjunction with the Minto Park Sale). As well, when you divide your perennials this spring, think about donating the spare plants. To make a donation or to volunteer to work the sale, contact Tom at