CCCA President’s Report: Happy holidays!

by Tom Whillans
CCCA President

Happy holidays, Centretowners!

As president of the Centretown Citizens Community Association, I would like to thank our exceptional community for supporting our initiatives, events and endeavours throughout our sesquicentennial—Canada 2017.

Without the support of our neighbours, family and peers, we wouldn’t have the recently established the Off-Bank Community Garden, or a vibrant plan for Elgin Street. Despite the coming holidays, we still have some unfinished business from 2017.

This year, the City of Ottawa selected the site for the new Central Library, which is located at LeBreton Flats. We are still conducting our Library Services Survey in Centretown and have a link to it on our website ( Please follow the link, complete the survey and let us know if you have any other input.

This holiday season, we implore Centretowners to contribute to our community. A fantastic opportunity is the Christmas Hamper Project, hosted by the Centretown United Church, which provides families and individuals with boxes of food, toiletries and small gifts to brighten the Christmas season.

If you have any ideas for initiatives, or concerns regarding development or community interest, please contact me via email (, Facebook, or Twitter.

We hope that this holiday season you enjoy all that Centretown has to offer.